Comtech’s SmartResponse™

Our in-cloud geospatial solution with real-time, contextual, and actionable situational awareness for PSAPs and first responders.

An efficient, targeted response to emergency situations is critical. SmartResponse™ provides a Common Operational Picture (COP) for an effective data-driven response to emergency situations.

The solution offers:

Real-time situational awareness for security agencies and first responders

  • Stream live feeds from traffic cameras at and near incident location
  • Access caller information like past residences, criminal history, or next-of-kin information at the tap of a button
  • Integration with third-party data like traffic, weather and other sources

Intuitive geospatial mapping interface

  • Out-of-the-box integration with GIS data from any authenticated GIS source including GIS data from Comtech
  • Option to update GIS data in real-time or scheduled to agency needs
  • Separate views into incident management for PSAP call takers and managers through a highly-configurable interface
  • Ability to integrate PSAP call handling and dispatch solutions into a single map-driven interface

Location Intelligence

  • Bird's-eye view of integrated search based on address, intersection, or places of interest
  • Shortest route to incident location for first responders
  • Access to historical data for analysis and visualization

The platform empowers public safety answering point employees to leverage live camera feeds, weather data, traffic information—and more—to ensure the appropriate resources are on the scene and to better serve the public in emergency situations.

Why Choose Comtech for Situational Awareness?

  • Reduce the time between alert and action
  • Enhance overall quality of public safety responses
  • Full real-time visibility of the physical environment
  • Ongoing technology enhancements and integrations
  • Access to over 46,000 live DOT camera feeds in the US
  • Unique person-of-interest data
  • An intuitive, single-screen geospatial mapping interface for all incident management needs

Global location and messaging solutions customized for your business needs.

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